How to Delete a Google Account With Screenshots
A lot of people using Google products (Maps, Gmail, Contacts,) daily. And everyone knows according to Alexa ranking Google is number one site on earth. Many people create multiple accounts on Google and want to delete other useless accounts. So in this post, I will share with you in very simple steps “How To Delete A Google Account From Chrome Permanently“. After reading it you will hopefully delete your unused google accounts. So let’s start…
Read: How To Save Mobile Contacts on Google.
How To Delete Google A Account Account From Chrome Permanently?
Login in Gmail and click the profile icon in the right corner. Then select “Google Account”.

After this, a new window appears on your browser. Here select Data & Personalization and scroll down your window until you cannot find Download, delete, or make a plan of your data tab. Select delete a service and google account. Same like this…

In the new window, you will see 4 tabs.
- Delete a Google service.
- Delete your Google Account.
- Download your data.
- Manage a plan for your account.
This information is about how to permanently delete a google account with screenshots that’s why I select the second option. Check your requirements, what do you do? You want to delete google accounts completely or just want to delete a service. Whatever you want to do no problem. But make sure before the selection of an option must download your account data as a backup record. For this purpose, select the third option and export all the records.

When you click on delete your Google Account again sign in required. Again sign in and click on the delete button. That’s it…
Read: How To Delete Photos From iCloud Using a web browser.
What You Will Lose After Deleting Google Account.
In this way, it is very important to know what you will lose after deleting your google account. Your complete purchased data in Google Play is permanently gone like (Paid Apps, Movies, and other purchases). On the other side, all your data in Google Drive, Gmail, Google Calendar, YouTube and browsers history was also removed. So it is not easy to say goodbye to Google.
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