Saturday, 15 July 2017

How To Make Your Password Very Strong And Always (Remember it). Learn point

Off course any online user must be create a Password for a strong protection layers of his accounts. But today the question is are you sure your making password is strong and your accounts are saved from unauthorized persons like hackers.
Now i am share with you a secret , is you follow it you can make your password Strong, More Strong and Strongest.
i am sure very person at-least remember one quote in English language. For Example 
Bill Gates Famous Quote :
      "If You Born Poor it's now your mistake 
     But if you die poor its your mistake"

You can put first alphabet in every word in this quote. And your new password is:

This password is really very strong but if you want more strong and characters and Capital Word but Remember it in your mind.
For Example but " Before and starting and use Capital Word Like this:

I Hope it is helpful for you and you can make a very strong password by yourself .

Share this information with your friends in Facebook and other social sites . if you have any question you can feel free contact me .

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