Tuesday, 27 June 2017

How To Written Bold , Italic Or Strikeout Text in WhatsApp Tips and Tricks - how to do is possible

Whatsapp Tips and Tricks:

                        Normally whatsapp have many tips and tricks and multiple Hidden Features . But now we can talk about Hidden Secrets of whatsapp because you can use it in your simple chat . Whatsapp Launched this feature for both ANDROID and IOS Systems. 

How can type Italic in Whatsapp during chat ....?

Add Underscore ( _ ) Before and after your targeted word for Example:  _hello_ 
See in Video :

How Can Type Bold in whatsapp During Chat...?

For written Bold and hightlight any word in Whatsapp you just need to add Asterisk ( * ) Before and Ending your targeted world.
For More details watch this Video:

How can write Strike Through Font in Whatsapp During Chat...?

For written Strike Throug font in your Whatsapp conversation you just need simply add (~) Before and Ending any word. lets seen video for more details:

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