Programming is a way of communication between users and computer. Programming language is a set of words and symbols that enable a programmer to communicate to a computer. Each language has its own rules and design to purpose for some specific tasks. Example
it is vert important for understand this errors and reasons, because it is helpful for you to removing it.
- Scientific applications.
- Business Solutions.
- webpages.
There are many languages are use to create computer programs.
- C Language
- Java
Programming Errors:
The errors in a program is called BUGS, and the way of finding and removing these errors is called DEBUGGING .
Types of errors.
- Syntax Error.
- Run time Error.
- Logical Error.
it is vert important for understand this errors and reasons, because it is helpful for you to removing it.
Compiler is a translate use to translate HLL (high level language into low level language).
Syntax Error:
A syntax occur when the program violate one or more than one rules of HLL. but it is easy to detect because compiler locate the location and the type of error so it is easy for programmer to remove it. When this error is occur a diagnostic message is show in your display screen. compilation of your program is only successful when your all the written program is error free.
For Example in C Language:
True Statement : printf(" How to do is possible ");
False Statement: printf(" How to do is possible ")
in this example semicolon is missing so violation in language so it is called Syntax Error.
Example: Any Number Divided By Zero.
In programming logical error is very difficult to detect and remove because in the case logical Error compiler cannot detect it and also compiler cannot locate the location and type of error. in the case of logical error you must have read all the code one by one to locate and remove this error so it is time consuming method.
Example: Put Wrong Input.
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Run-time Error:
A Run-time error is occur when the program directs the computer to perform an illegal operation. this error is occur during the execution of program. compiler cannot detect this error in compilation.Example: Any Number Divided By Zero.
Logical Error:
In programming logical error is very difficult to detect and remove because in the case logical Error compiler cannot detect it and also compiler cannot locate the location and type of error. in the case of logical error you must have read all the code one by one to locate and remove this error so it is time consuming method.
Example: Put Wrong Input.
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